Metastock Programming Study Guide Pdf Download
"Who Else Wants the Simple Secret to Make Metastock Easy & Identify Profitable Trades?"
If You Answered "Yes" To The Above Question Then Click The "Play" Button For A Very Special *Audio* Message. (50 sec message)
No matter what version of MetaStock you own. Sure you could waste months reading through the boring manual or worse not even bother - but why put yourself through that? Let me show you the secret to make MetaStock easy and I'll back everything I say with my unique 110%
"If you want Metastock programming explained in a clear way then David has the skills you require."
Daryl Guppy - Professional Trader & Educator
Dear Friend,
By finding this website you probably already recognize that learning Metastock is an important milestone in creating true wealth. The fact is, regardless of what the market is doing, there are always profitable trading opportunities. Best of all, MetaStock has the ability to identify these opportunities, assuming you know how to use it and its formula. | |
Sadly, if you're like most people, even though you've spent almost $1000 on purchasing Metastock, you probably don't use it to its full potential - in my opinion, that's a bad investment! Surprisingly, I was exactly where you are a couple of years back. I had the same sense of dissatisfaction because I knew the potential was there. I also recognised that mastering MetaStock would give me the trading edge I needed but the question remained…
"Where do I start with MetaStock?"
I went on a determined search to locate a training manual, book or anything that taught users how to maximise MetaStock. Something, both beginners and intermediate users could use. Something that was step-by-step, complete and most importantly... FUN!
Unfortunately, none of the material out there even came close. The truth is, 95% of what I bought was pure junk. They were either too basic or were just another useless manual. Many people suggested I look at the MetaStock Formula Primer and, although there is some good content in there, I thought it never really showed me how to practically use MetaStock. I don't know if you're like me but I learn best with examples and practical applications, not just theory.
After a year of searching I decided, enough was enough! I had learnt the hard way and it had cost me dearly in both time and money but here's the good news… I've done the hard work so you don't have to.
You can master Metastock & stop missing out on profitable trading opportunities?
Introducing the Metastock Programming Study Guide. Stuart McPhee, author of Trading in a Nutshell, and I have spent over 6 months compiling this comprehensive study guide. It is guaranteed to teach you everything you will ever need to know about Metastock and its formula.The 'MetaStock Programming Study Guide' fills those gaps left by the boring, exampleless MetaStock manual and MetaStock Formula Primer. It really is the definitive guide to MetaStock. The study guide contains 230+ A4 pages of insider information on how you can read and develop your own Metastock formula. Best of all, the guide is laid out in such a way that, whether you're comfortable using Metastock or not, you learn the processes step by step. |
Here are just a few of the things you will learn and discover:
And much, much, much more. Click here to purchase. If you want to find out how much more, view the complete contents by clicking here. You'll have a encyclopedia of MetaStock know-how at your fingertips and it's all written in easy-to-understand language so you can actually use it!
The Only 2 Ways to Learn These Secrets
Unfortunately, there are only two ways to learn these secrets, either by the "School of Hard Knocks" which is both expensive and time consuming, or you can discover them using the MetaStock Programming Study Guide.
Why Learn The Hard Way?
You'll get the entire Metastock arsenal, laid out for you step by fool-proof step. You'll love the way this guide is laid out. It's easy to follow and provides you with plenty of practical applications and exercises.You'll "work smart, not hard":
... And that's just to name a few of the secrets you'll learn. Click here to purchase.
Low Time Requirement, Great Rewards
You're thinking, "C'mon, it must take months to master Metastock. And I'll have to spend hours every day in research to make it work."
Not at all. The Metastock Programming Study Guide is so simple. In a nutshell, by reviewing real life MetaStock strategies, with practical examples, you'll master MetaStock in no time. It's true, we've made MetaStock easy! But don't take my word for it, here's what others say...
![]() | "An invaluable soure of information & programming tips." |
"I have been using your well-written and easy-to-follow Metastock Programming Study Guide for about six months now, and find it to be an invaluable source of information and programming tips. I strongly recommend it to any beginning/intermediate programmer working with this platform. Thank you for your excellent contribution to the trader/programmer's tool kit."
Jan Arps - Professional Trader & Educator
![]() | "In the Metastock Program Study Guide David has shown he has the knowledge and skills necessary to improve the way you use Metastock." |
Daryl Guppy - Professional Trader & Educator
"I now understand the language very well & have been happily creating & refining my own scans almost daily" "Having just purchased Metastock, I was very much a beginner. I had used it to import my data and to view my charts, but I had never actually used the programming language. I had copied a couple of indicator formulas from some of the internet trading forums, but I had absolutely no idea what they really meant. I'd heard from friends about how powerful the program could be, but I was putting off learning the language because I was a little intimidated by it. After working through the Metastock Programming Study Guide I now understand the language very well and have been happily creating and refining my own scans almost daily since then. The Guide has dramatically increased my confidence and understanding of using Metastock. I also found that some of the concepts presented in the Guide (which I probably would have never thought of myself) have given me ideas which I have continued to build on since completing the Guide. I think that it's worth every penny and highly recommend it." Corey McGrath - Private Trader - Australia
"It fills a desperately needed niche in the MetaStock world." "Your co-authored metastock programming guide is superb. I am working through that now and I really feel it fills a desperately needed niche in the metastock world. I'm very weak in this area myself and have to get other people to program explorations for me for daily signals and for tradesim. So this book is helping me greatly. I've also recommended it to a few people I've met in the trading world without hesitation."
"There are many powerful features in Metastock, that I wasn't aware of, the guide shows you them..." "MPSG is an excellent guide because it helps you learn how to actually use Metastock. I don't have a programming background, so the easy to use step by step guide, walks you through how to prepare formulas and use them to evaluate your trading ideas. I found the question and answer section invaluable in my learning experience. There are many powerful features in Metastock, that I wasn't aware of, the guide shows you them and there are many helpful tips and hints along the way. There is nothing else like it on the market, congratulations Stuart and David this is great value for mone
"I received the Metastock Programming & Study Guide today. It looks to be exeptionally well prepared and presented." Thanks much," Ed Perry - Private Trader
Click Here To Read More Testimonials Should you wish to contact anyone of our testimonials simply ask & we'll provide you their email address.
Wouldn't you like results like these? Click here to purchase.
Order Now And You Will Also Receive 3 Bonus Gifts As a way of making your decision as easy as possible, & removing any hesitation you may have had, you'll also receive a bundle of FREE gifts when you purchase the MetaStock Programming Study Guide right now.
Gift #1 - MetaStock Secret Formula CD (Valued @ $80) Purchase right now and you'll also receive some of my own personal MetaStock Pre-programmed formulas. They're ready to go - all you have to do is copy them into your Metastock. These extremely useful pre-programmed formula and tools include: |
These tools allow you to become a more mechanical trader and ultimately remove a lot of the emotion previously involved with trading; and the best bit is they're included as a FREE.
Gift #2 - Stu & Dave Mp3 Audio Interviews 3+ Hours
(Valued @ $59)
As part of another project Stuart and I were working on we had our subscribers send in their biggest, most pressing trading questions and we answered live on a phone call. We had such positive feedback from these calls that we've decided to make the recordings available to our Metastock Programming Study Guide owners. | |
There are over 3 hours of content, covering some awesome trading tips, tricks and strategies. We answer questions like:
Plus there were lots more...
I've saved the best bonus till last.
Gift # 3 - 2 FREE Email Consultations (valued @ $160) Both Stuart and I believe that it's very important to make sure you get the very most from your Metastock Programming Study Guide. And that's why we've decided to include 2 FREE email consultations. So, whether you're having trouble coding something up, or maybe you just want us to take a look at something, with these consultations you'll have two of the sharpest Metastock minds around at your disposal. Usually we charge $80 (at minimum) per consultation, but through this offer, you get two of these for FREE! To see just how valuable these consultations are click here to download an example collection of email consultations.
With all this knowledge can you imagine the turbo power you can add to your investment portfolio?
Let's Recap Everything You Will Receive With The MetaStock Programming Study Guide.
Description | Value | Package Deal |
230+ page Metastock Programming Study Guide (Printed Manual) | $297 | INCLUDED |
1 CD with Pre-Packaged Stoploss Indictors, Explorations, & Extraordinary Expert Advisor | $80 | FREE |
Stu & Dave Mp3 Audio Interviews 3+ Hours | $59 | FREE |
2 Free Email Consultations | $160 | FREE |
Total | | $297AUD |
Your Savings | N/A | $299 |
Click here to purchase. You'd agree that with all this information complied into one system it is actually worth much more than $297AUD When you consider that you've already made the investment in Metastock and in getting data, it would be a bargain at double this price. But, if that wasn't enough.... | |
It's Tax-Deductible!
The price of the study guide may be tax-deductible for clients who use it as part of their trading or investing activities. This means the after-tax cost of could be as little as half the prices quoted. Consult your tax dviser to see if this applies to you.
I digress, that fact is, you could waste months reading through the boring manual or worse not even bother. But why put yourself through that?
After working step by step through this study guide you will have learnt everything you will ever need to know. Don't believe me? I'll even put my money where my mouth is and offer you a very special 110% Risk Free Guarantee.
Here it is -- see if you think this is fair.
Don't say "yes" right now. Just say "maybe." If you're like me, you hate to make a mistake. So I am going to make your purchase of MetaStock Programming Study Guide totally risk-free! If I have not delivered everything I promised and more, then I insist you let me know and I'll refund 100% of your purchase price. No questions asked! But, didn't I say "110% satisfaction." Right? Here it is. Not only will you get 100% of your money back, but you can also keep all the digital bonuses, even if you return the package. In total that's more than a 110% Guarantee! |
Why Would I Make Such a One-Sided Guarantee In Your Favor?
Quite frankly I know you're going to love the MetaStock Programming Study Guide once you see just how good it really is! Buy this Study Guide. Read the material. Discover the secrets, use the techniques & be 110% confident that you made the right decision.
YES, David! I'm Ready To Become A Sharp Thinking, Independent, Successful MetaStock Expert!
I understand that I can get started with the MetaStock Programming Study Guide for only $297AUD. I also understand that this price may increase in the future and I am only guaranteed this charter price if I place my order today. I'm ready to ACT NOW knowing my satisfaction is 110% guaranteed!
Order 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!
We use "Paypal" and our own in house merchant facilities - depending on which currency you select. All orders are processed manually and as such can take up to 72 hours to complete. Remember we are sending you physical product!
Please remember, regardless of what the market is doing, there are always profitable trading opportunities out there. Metastock has the ability to identify these opportunities, assuming you know how to use it.
So, whether you purchase this course or not, you must take the time to learn MetaStock.
Best Regards,
Co-author of the Metastock Programming Study Guide, Trading Secrets Revealed And Ultimate Trading Systems.
P.S. If you place an order right now you will also receive some additional unadvertised bonuses.P.P.S Remember, the MetaStock Programming Study Guide isn't some cheap ebook. It is a 230+ A4 page printed home study course with $250 worth of bonuses. Click here and own your copy today!
The Top 6 Most Frequently Asked Questions:
Click Here To Download this FAQ
1. Can't I just learn these MetaStock secrets on my own?
Yes and no. Yes, you could learn the basics through the "School of Hard Knocks" but you may never discover some of the true MetaStock secrets. These are the secrets that could potentially prevent you from making unnecessary devastating financial mistakes. Wouldn't it be easier if I showed you step-by-step what to do? Just one of the secrets I teach you may save you thousands! Click here and purchase the MetaStock Programming Study Guide.
2. Why don't I just use the MetaStock manual or MetaStock formula primer?
Unfortunately, the MetaStock manual just doesn't cut it. Pick up your manual now and look at the boring pages. Can you see yourself spending years trying to work through this exampleless manual? Worse yet, by the time you finish – if you finish – you won't have even been taught how to use the formula. What a waste of time! As for the MetaStock formula primer, although there is some good content in there, it only does about one tenth of the job. It's not step-by-step enough, there's no Q&A and it doesn't show you the practical applications of what you learn. I don't know if you're like me but I learn best with examples and practical applications, not just theory. Click here and purchase the MetaStock Programming Study Guide.
3. Do I have to be a programmer to get the most out of this package?
No you don't! In fact, I don't even have a programming background. That's why I avoid all the programming jargon in the study guide. Many of the study guide owners started with no experience, while others start with some. One thing's for sure though, you'll learn exactly what you need to know to use Metastock to its full potential, without needing a Mathematical Science Degree! Click here and purchase the MetaStock Programming Study Guide.
4. Give me one good reason to learn MetaStock?
How about I give you 5?!
- You already own Metastock, so it's a bad investment if you don't learn to use it! - You're missing out on profitable trading opportunities every minute unless you know how to find them using MetaStock. - MetaStock can almost completely automate your trading – giving you more time to do what you really love. Don't spend hours in front of the screen! - Anyone can learn these Metastock secrets. You don't have to be a math whiz or computer genius! - I've made Metastock easy for everyone! - The most profitable skill you can ever master is the skill of trading, and mastering Metastock is your first step. You can finally take control of your financial future. Click here and purchase the MetaStock Programming Study Guide.
6. What versions of Metastock is the study guide compatible with? The MetaStock Programming Study Guide works with all versions of Metastock (7,8,9 and 10). Over the years very little, if anything, has changed within MetaStock's formula language and as such the skills you learn can be applied to all versions. 5. What's the secret to make MetaStock easy?
Get yourself a copy of the MetaStock Programming Study Guide. Click here and purchase the MetaStock Programming Study Guide.
More Proof It Works!
"Best investment I have made."
"Thank you for the MSPG. It is the best investment I have made. Although I was an experienced user of computer technology and very competent with formula language with spreadsheet use. I could not figure out how to get them working correctly in Metastock. I wasted months trying to figure out what the formulas were missing. Thank you for demystifying the program for me. I will now be able to put my investment to good use."
"The guide is great and exceeds expectation. Congrats to you and Stuart for putting together a great book. I work for a video game software company (Konami) and am in charge of licensing the rights to strategy guidebooks for our games. I have found that there are many fantastic gamers who don't know how to share their game knowledge in writing. And there are many strong writers who just cant get the hang of the video game. Rare is the person able to do both. My point being that you have done a great job of translating your knowledge of MetaStock into a well organized learning tool, understandable to the average user. Job well done. I can imagine the hours that were put into pulling the book together and hope that you will be highly rewarded for your work. If you ever need a references or quote, please let me know. I am a very satisfied customer. Until we are in touch again, best wishes to you in all that you do." Tim Vogt – Private Trader - Tokyo
"The guide is great and exceeds expectation."
"I would recommend this study guide to anyone struggling to use Metastock to its full potential."
"Metastock is a powerful analysis program, but to benefit from its power requires the ability to use its four major tools. I would recommend this study guide to anyone struggling to use Metastock to its full potential."
Peter Collier - Private Trader - Melbourne, Australia
"Before I found your MPSG Program I had so much trouble working out formulas and system tests etc. that I could basically only use the program as it was. This became very frustrating to a point of where do I go next. After reading through your guide at my pace I am now grasping the way formula and how it all comes together so much easier. I have been able to put together some explorations with much more detail and have found some great opportunities to trade. It has also helped me to put together a trading system with the use of the excel sheet That you supplied. I believe things can only get better from here in. Thank you very much and I am looking forward for further assistance in the future."
"After reading through your guide at my pace I am now grasping the way formula and how it all comes together so much easier."
Gary Franke - Private Trader - Cowes, Australia
"After a few hours with you, I could achieve things that I personally had great problems interpreting from the Metastock user manual."
Andrew Morton - Private Trader - Christchurch, New Zealand
Click Here to read more testimonials Should you wish to contact anyone of our testimonials simply ask & we'll provide you their email address.
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If you have more questions, call Stuart on +61 3 8802 0593,
Mon-Fri, 9am to 5pm GMT +10. Or e-mail: Click Here to email me a question MetaStock Formula, 43 Alexandra St, Greensborough, Victoria 3088, Australia.
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Metastock® is a registered trademark of Equis International. This website, and the activities conducted via this website are in no way related to, authorised, sponsored or approved by, Equis International.
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